viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

"Country Calendar"- July Block

"Calendario Country"
Cuadro de Julio
This month is almost ending and I haven't posted our july block of the country calendar that some friends and I have been doing since march.
Ya casi termina el mes y no he subido el cuadro de Julio del calendario country que unas amigas y yo hemos estado haciendo desde marzo.
So it's finally done. Yuppi ¡¡¡¡
And here are the photos...
Así que finalmente esta terminado. Yuppi ¡¡¡¡
Y aqui estan las fotos...
Greetings to Rosy and Julia that are doing this project with me. It's really nice sharing things with good friends. Hope you're having great vacations like me.
Saludos a Rosy y Julia que estan haciendo este proyecto conmigo. Es lindo compartir cosas con buenos amigos.
Espero esten pasando unas vacaciones maravillosas como yo.

1 comentario:

  1. I love your watering can flowers, Alicia. :) Thanks for linking up at BOMs AWAY. (Sorry I'm not "talking" in Spanish. I've got a nasty allergy headache right now.)


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